11th December 2021
Dear Colleagues,
Despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be holding the 9th Dilemmas & Debates in Colorectal Surgery Conference (DDCRS) on Saturday 11th December 2021 at Bush House, King's College London, WC2R 2LS. Rather than the usual 3-4 day conference, we will hold a one day conference as a way of reinvigorating attendance at physical conferences. The meeting will focus on 'Life after COVID-19' and will be hosted in collaboration with ISUCRS and ACPGBI - South East Thames Chapter and KCL.
As this is likely to be the first colorectal conference to be held in the UK in the past two years, we are hoping to capitalize on the success of our previous DDCRS meetings as well as our regular monthly ISUCRS webinars that host 350 delegates. In accordance with COVID-19, the venue has a maximum capacity of 80 delegates, so early registration is advised as space is limited.
The conference will also feature some distinguished international speakers via a web-based platform. This year's conference will be held in the traditional style with a full day of colorectal surgery sessions with a lively, entertaining debate session, 'the best of three podium presentations' and more.
The 11th of December is the date to be in Covent Garden, the heart of London. We look forward to seeing you there.
Yours sincerely
Mr Joseph W Nunoo-Mensah, Professor Narimantas E. Samalavicius, Mr Pasquale Giordano, Mr Piero Nastro
DDCRS 2021 Co-Programme Directors
08:15 - 08:45 Registration, Coffee & View Sponsors Stalls
08:45 - 09:00: ISUCRS, ACPGBI & DDCRS
Opening of Meeting - Professor Narimantas E. Samalavicius, Klaipeda, Lithuania (President ISUCRS & Co-Director DDCRS)
Welcome Address - Joseph Nunoo-Mensah (ISUCRS President Elect, Co-Director DDCRS) & Piero Nastro (ACPGBI- South East Chapter Representative & 9th DDCRS Co-Director
09:00 - 10:30 Proctology Session - Moderators: Pasquale Giordano & Piero Nastro, London, UK
Emerging technologies of fistula management - David Zimmerman, Tilburg, Netherlands
Fistulectomy with primary suturing of the sphincters for trans-sphincteric fistula - Parvez Sheikh, Mumbai, India
Approaches to the management of complex fistula disease - Andrew Williams, London, UK
Rectovaginal fistula repair? Carolynne Vaizey, London, UK
Management of pilonidal disease - Asha Senapati, Portsmouth, UK
Panel Discussion (15 mins)
10:30 - 11:15 New Innovations Colorectal Surgery - Moderators: Hendrik Wegstapel, Gillingham, UK & Joseph Nunoo-Mensah, London, UK
Humanoid robot system for colorectal surgery - Yoon-suk Lee, Soeul, Korea
Future in colorectal surgery: endoluminal robotic system (ColubrisMX ELS) - Sam Attalah, Orlando, USA
Da Vinci Single Port (SP) Surgical System in colorectal surgery - My experience - John Marks, Wynnewood, USA
11:15 - 11:45 Coffee Break & View Sponsors Stalls
11:45 - 13:45 Rectal Cancer Session - Moderators: Micheal Machesney & Paris Tekkis, London, UK & Phil Caushaj, Hartford, USA
High risk Rectal cancer patient: yesterday TaTME, Today RTME, What choice for tomorrow Philippe Rouanet, Montpelier, France
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy only for rectal Cancer. Are we there yet? Robert Glynne-Jones, Watford, UK
NICE guidelines turning back the clock. T3NOCRM-VE receiving short course radiotherapy. Is this right approach? Gina Brown, London, UK
Lateral lymph node dissection in rectal cancer. When and how to do it? Junji Okuda, Osaka, Japan
I don’t see a residual tumour after neoadjuvant therapy, what should I do? – Giulio Garcia Aguila, New York, USA
Management of local rectal recurrence – when is surgery an option? Peter Sagar, Leeds, UK
Panel Discussion (30 mins)
13:45 - 14:45 Lunch & View Sponsors Stalls
14:45 - 15:45 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Session - Moderators: Joseph Nunoo-Mensah, London, UK & Andrea Scala, Guildford, UK
Is it time to move to Kono-S with/without extensive mesenteric resection to reduce the chance of Crohn’s anastomotic recurrence? Alessandro Fichera, Dallas, USA
High-risk Elective Ileocolic Anastomoses for Crohn’s Disease: When is Diversion Indicated? Amir Darakshan, London, UK
Fulminant ulcerative colitis. When is the right time to operate? Sami Hoque, London, UK
Panel discussion (15 min)
15:45 - 15:55 Tariq Shafi Memorial & Award
15:55 - 16:45 Presentations - ‘Best of 5 Abstract Submission’ Moderators: Fiona Taylor, London, UK & Dimitrios Pissas, York, UK
Incidence of Age Migration of Colorectal cancer in younger population: Single Centred-Population-based study. Safia Zahir Ahmed, Nicholas Cirocchi, Edward Saxton, Katherine Brown, Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust, UK
Colorectal surgery during the first wave of COVID-19 pandemic: how the coronavirus affected our practice. Antunes Alexandra, Oliveira O; Costa Pereira C; Vilela N; Martins S; Nogueira F; Costa Pereira J. General Surgery, Hospital de Braga, Braga, Portugal
To operate or not to operate? Rectal cancer patients with complete response after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. Kevin Beatson, Colorectal MDT team, Darent Valley Hospital, UK
Top-down approach in laparoscopic right colectomy by neoplasia. Eduarda Gonçalves, Carlos Costa Pereira, Joaquim Costa Pereira, Hospital de Braga, Braga, Portugal
Application of 3D modelling technology in rectal cancer surgery. Ania Przedlacka, Paris Tekkis, Fernando Bello, Christos Kontovounisios. Imperial College London, London, UK
16:45 - 17:45 Miscellaneous Colorectal Session - Moderators: Piero Nastro, London, UK & Sudhakar Mangam, Margate, UK
Minimal invasive procedures for haemorrhoids. An unbiased view - Richard Cohen, London, UK
Prophylactic parastomal mesh reinforcement. Which mesh and when to perform - Rakesh Bhardwaj, Dartford, UK
Rectal GISTs - Paris Tekkis, London, UK
Modified Turnbull-Cutait Procedure (SHiP) – An option for low rectal cancers - Francesco Bianco, Naples, Italy
17:45 - 18:00 Closing Ceremony
18:00 - 19:00 Coffee Break, Drinks & View Sponsors Stalls